Pixies are small magical beings of mysterious origins. It is unknown where these creatures originally came from however they seem to relate most to faeries. There are, however, a few differences from their Faerie relatives, one being their wings. A Pixie's wings are much smaller and thinner than a Faerie's due to their slightly smaller size. The other main difference is that unlike a Faerie, Pixies tend to center themselves around neutrality instead walking the path of complete benevolance. A Pixie definately is more suited towards the magical arts.
Next Evo | Level Range | Gkills | Ekills | Nkills | % chance |
Grigg | 150 + | 4000 | < 3 | 3 | |
Atomie | 200 + | 8000 | 0 | 1 | |
Fairylord | 225 + | 14000 | 0 | < 10 | 1 |